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Making Impact Accessible

Coming Summer 2024

The #1 killer of Foreign Direct Investment in humanitarian crisis zones is  limited access and a lack of trust, and transparency within legacy systems. 


reBlue combats this by hybridizing Web3 with off-chain analysis to engage, vet, and de-risk informal economies and austere logistics networks.

Our System

•Assess and select trusted local brokers…
•Pair with an XDC-based blockchain tracking platform...
•Corroborate and confirm with IC caliber vetting.

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Don’t trust informal economies? Trust reBlue instead. We will assume the burden of trust that informal systems lack. For decades, the west has tried to force the adoption of their systems on populations that were not ready for them- look no further than 20+ years of failure in Afghanistan. Conversely, stakeholders in developing areas often don’t trust western systems … why not meet them halfway instead?

Redistributing Trust

Our Story

The roots of reBlue took hold in August 2021’s “Digital Dunkirk”, when tens of thousands of veterans and volunteers created an effective, decentralized humanitarian network following the collapse of Afghanistan. It has since stuck with us that one does not need a humanitarian or NGO background to have an impact on the world: just the right platform.


Asset Tokenization & Impact Investment

reBlue is the bridge between Web 3 and the real world. Our impact investment portfolio hinges on things you can see and touch, and which will make a difference in the world.

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Supporting Humanitarian Operations 

In recent crises, veterans and volunteers (like  our founders) have proven capable humanitarians. We are building upon that experience to make humanitarianism an open and accessible venture.


Empowering Veterans

 Today's veterans are a dynamic group, desiring a community beyond the  “dark, dank bars” of legacy veterans’ groups. We aim to create opportunities for veterans to find a renewed sense of purpose.


Adapting to Emergent Missions

 The world is a rapidly changing place, and a key tenet of reBlue is our capacity to keep pace from humanitarian crises, to charting new courses with impact-oriented tokenization.

What reBlue Offers

“Financial VPN”: a safe tunnel through a high-risk system

  • A bridge between 8th century banking (like Hawala) and Web3


Austere logistics risk management

  • Track shipments through war zones, insurgencies, and authoritarian regimes.


AML / anti-corruption safeguard & political risk management

  • XDC Layer 2 security, SME vetting, and NGO collaboration provides an unprecedented degree of KYC compliance with OFAC restrictions.

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